I hated the society and it's norms which were bestowed upon us from the day we were born and were required to be followed till our death.
Unlike other girls of my village, I would rather ride horses and climb trees than gossip about boys or frilled dresses.I was a rebel, someone who never followed these rules. But all that changed after the decree was issued.
' I, Queen Apolla, Queen of Aramanda, Lady of the Isle and mother of Prince Christopher and John, hereby issue a decree on all young maidens and men of the village of Frodangram of the age of fifteen , to report to the Creston Castle by the following day. To ensure that everyone is reported , I shall send carriages to collect all those of age. No one of age should be left behind , if so , report to the castle immediately without further delay and if anyone is found violating the decree issued , the violator shall be sentenced to lifetime imprisonment.
Her majesty ,
Queen Apolla '
Suddenly , I was surrounded by all those who followed these etiquettes as though they were a part of their lives. Women blindly obeyed men , without questioning even a single right, men were taught to be agressive and tough while us women were taught to be submissive, gentle , docile and obdient.
I may not be a princess who could issue laws and enforce them on people but I am rebel , I could influence them........
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Speared By Heart ♡ (Yandere! Male! Warrior x Princess! Reader)
9 parts Ongoing Mature
9 parts
Princess (Y/N). Instead of being offered to join the war and fight back for your freedom, you were almost handed away to marriage on a silver platter with a man you used to love. He grew cold with age and ruling a kingdom did not do his personality any good; being sent over to him for marriage now would be a death sentence for you. Not doing it would mean a death sentence for everyone else. Still, you had to run away. You never wanted the royal life nor to get married at the exact young age of 20. Running away to a small town nearby was not the best idea you could have ever come up with, but it served well as the town agreed to keep you and put you to work. Mainly with hand-to-hand combat training. You were never allowed to do anything of the sort when at the hands of your mother, so it was nice for a change. But what were they training you for? The war. No one knew you were the princess, and they were expecting to have you frontline back into the kingdom you tried so hard to escape from to fight in the war. Escaping now to anywhere else in the world seemed to be the only good option.
One person in particular wasn't going to let you do that. Clyde Ray. ♡
PART II: Coming soon :)
(All rights reserved for both the story and art. This story is a visual novel! Play it now on my itch.io account linked to my profile.)