Why is it that when everyone is happy, I'm not? People say hate is a strong word. So is love, and yet people throw it out there like it's nothing. I'm tired of being lonely. I miss you. You make me laugh when I'm down. I love you for that. I hate you for what you did. I love you for who you used to be. I don't believe in love because I still don't have you. Why me? People call it jealousy. I call it fear of losing you. Sometimes when I say "I'm okay." I wish someone would to me, hug me and say "I know your not." People will change. My memories won't. I act like I don't care. Inside it hurts like hell. I wanna hit the power button on my life and shut it down. I love you. I just can't tell you. I will walk alone until someone wants to find me. Then we can walk together.All Rights Reserved