For years I've been reading and teaching "The Outsiders." It is my all-time favorite YA book. S.E. Hinton captured the struggles of teenage life beautifully in this novel. In my recent reading of the book, I kept thinking about the scene when Darry and Pony reunite in the hospital after the church fire. The image of tough, cold and ice, Darry silently crying stuck with me. He was afraid he had lost another person he loved. It was then I realized, Darry probably had a story of his own to tell. I couldn't sleep until he began telling it. Whether or not this is Darry's real story, though, is something only S.E. Hinton could say. But since I didn't know his real story, I had to make something up. PS This is has not been proofread or edited. Teaching middle school doesn't allow time for such nonsense! ;-)All Rights Reserved