Embarrassing Period Stories...
Today i went to the doctor and well i laid down on the bed for him to check me he made me put on the paper dress and lay down so i made my parents go sit on the waiting bench outside of my room the doctor knocks on my door i let him come in i sat down on the bed he asked me how was school and if i have started my period of course i said no and laid down for like a minute when he told me to sit up and that he was gonna check my heart beat then he said for me to lay down while he checks my records for and allergies then i went to grab my phone out of my pants pocket and all i saw was red gush on my hand and on my phone the doctor asked me what was wrong i said nothing then my white skinny jeans started turning red i asked the doctor if my vagina was supposed to smell like fish and bleed at the same time he said well u might be on your period i was like probably not then i went to the bathroom and pulled down my pants and blood flooded the floor then the toilet over flowed with blood i pressed the emergency help button the nurse ran in and grabbed two towels which didn't work i was just so scared and we moved to Australia so no one will see fishy blood of mine any more