Set in a world where creatures exist, only a few people in the world know about them. In order to insure there are always skilled people to fight and protect the oblivious people, Crossroads University was built and made to train and learn away from prying eyes. Jacob is a new student, following in his parents and brother's footsteps to becoming a hunter like them. However, he does't get a normal freshman year as he befriends his roommate Colby, the dean's son Aaron, and a girl named Kira. As secrets get revealed and demons make appearances, life on earth is soon threatened to be overrun by Lucifer himself.
Dean had been taking care of Sam for years. Even after he quit high school, he still stayed so that Sam could finish it. He got a job at a repair shop and no longer relied on his Uncle Bobby or his dad. He supported him and Sam on his own.
One day he meets someone who changes his world. They must team up to save a friend of Sam's. They never expect to remember.