For many girls the selection is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 35 girls are chosen from each province, having their castes range through 2-5, all to be apart of this competitive journey. These girls are fighting for the heart of twin Princes Xavier and Isaac. When 17 year old, Adeline Rose Gold, gets picked for the selection, she was at first confused because she was a 6, and the selection only choose people from castes 2-5. Her own mother didn't believe her daughter would have any chance in the selection and would never make it past the sign up. All of Illéa were in shocked, some confused, many against this choice, and those of lower castes (5-8) were pleased, getting new opinions on the selection giving them all hope. ! DISCLAIMER ! this is purely a fanfic revolving around the selection series by Kiera Cass, characters and most things are my own, other things such as the country of Illéa, the provinces, the castes are made by Kiera Cass.