The Moon Shines On Starlight
8 parti Completa Per adulti*Warning ahead content contains animal abuse
It was dimmed. I couldn't see. Oh, but I could smell. The sweet scents all around me. Then I smelled her. I immediately knew who she was. My mother. My creator. I went over to her screaming my way between my two siblings. Although I was just a puppy, I could recognize my surroundings. When I was finished drinking the milk from my mother, I moved away. I felt a hard surface underneath me. There were plenty of other scents too. One that smelled delicious. I also couldn't hear, but I could feel movement. I was removed from the hard surface and handed a much softer place. There were these weird bumps over the softer surface.
It moved me around, and I was set back down in place on the floor. A couple of weeks passed though I couldn't feel it. Each day felt as if I was still a newborn.
Time was not essential in my mind. As I got older, my senses started to sharpen. I could see and hear, but the one thing I couldn't see was color. All I saw was black and gray. My mother was very furry, but so was I. I would often smell her, and I liked how her scent smelled sweet. When I could, I would find food around a dumpster. We were learning more as we got older. I had two sisters and two brothers, as I was one of the girls. We spoke to each other often, my siblings and me. "Let's go, children." Mother said to us in a soft voice.
We knew how to communicate. When we fought over food mother, would tell at us. I didn't like being in trouble. I was usually quiet. One day I learned the soft surface that I had encountered was a human hand. I had felt that same surface when a human came up to us. The human loaded all of us in their vehicle. We came upon this strange building. The human let us out in this strange building. There were many scents. I couldn't place them all at once. I concentrated on one specific scent. Strawberry. It smelled so sweet, and it started to hurt my nose.