A young woman is dating someone. A man, who she believes to be a good person. She loves him, and so she trusts him. One day, he asks her to go on a trip with him. Lovestruck and trusting, she agrees. She is, of course, confused when they arrive at a dark warehouse. She turns to question her love, but falls unconscious. She wakes up in a dark room, her wrists and ankles chained to the wall. Her angelic-seeming boyfriend walks in, and she asks him to save her. In return, she receives a handful of lashes from the whip in his hand. Her beloved boyfriend has betrayed her, broken her heart, and abused her. She endures the broken heart and the beatings, but finally screams at the loss of her sight. She wakes up in the bed of a stranger. Is he her savior? What will happen to her now? Can she survive without sight? Why is her father so dark in her dreams? So, this is another original story I'm writing. All the credit for it goes to me, but the picture was from google. I simply used Paint, yes Paint, to put scars on her. They're not very good scars, but oh well. Oh, the British guy may have pieces of Spike from Buffy in his way of speaking, and maybe some Hook from Once Upon a Time. I can't help it if they're the ones I like.