Inspired by @ChiefGirl117...
This isn't only a tagging book. This book will make you meet new people, find interesting books, and it'll give you something to do while you're bored. I'll keep this updated, maybe add a few each day. A few of them will be little Easter Egg Hunts where I'll name a book, and you need to find the author, or stuff like that!
Have fun! ;P
And, by the way, anyone can tag. You don't have to be tagged in order to tag. And that was one of the most confusing sentences I've said today. Yay for me.
To tag someone, go down to the comments and type @Username
For example...
@Oreocookie2001, @MineralMann, @djcraft-2310, @Finngirl4567, @XxPandaxLuverxX, @SBilalKhan, @KaylaAlexisW, @TURTLES2001, @Friends @Followers @Following