aloud At Tres House: Nadia: Right now i want to cry i miss my parents so much maybe i should go to the mall and clear all the stress. At The Mall: I got some new clothes for school since my brother doesn't want to help me i used my mney that i have collected all my life over 5,000 dollars but i was on a budget i still need to keep some money emergencies just in case. After that i was on my phone texting my brother telling him i was on my way home and i bumped into another boy. Nadia: Sorry i wasn't looking where i was going I'm in a hurry. Jaden:it's OK because I'm in a hurry too what's your name? Nadia: my name is Nadia. Jaden:well that's a pretty name and you are a pretty girl wow. Nadia.(NADIA BLUSHES).Thank you,well i have to go my brother is waiting on me. ok maybe i will see you around.All Rights Reserved