29 chapitres Terminé To a pack, just me being alive is a crime. They call me Rouge, Traitor, and other hurtful names. But in my mind I'm none of those things. I'm a loner, sure, I'll admit that, but I didn't chose this life. Have you ever had your father and sister murdered by the kinds of wretched creatures I'm now called and had your mother leave you behind, running to another pack, ditching you as soon as she can? I didn't think so. But I'm always in danger. Not shifting yet does that when you live alone in the woods, surrounded by the monsters you are now one of. But I'm supposedly special. At least that's what my inner wolf, Taylor, tells me. She says everything will fall into place when I meet my mate. But that's never going to happen. The odds of that are not in my favor.
My name is Katniss Everdeen. Some call me a Rouge. I call myself a lone wolf.