My life is a living hell. My parents hate me, yet they adore my older brother, Greg. They call me a twat who was never meant to have been born. They say they'd rather have me dead than 'look after' me, but its obvious they're scared they'd get arrested for life if they kill me, so they don't bother. Day in, day out, they abuse me, which lead to me self-harming every night.
Zayn Maliks life is yet completely different, if you could say 'life'. He lives on his own in the heart of a forest in Mullingar, Ireland, and has supernatural powers. He has flawless beauty and piercing red eyes. That's right, Zayns a vampire. When the two of us meet, me, Niall, and him, Zayn, coincidently at school, he gives me two options. To die a painful death, or to become like him and live with him in the forest forever. Only if he knew, that I actually had feelings for him...
When two countries fo to war they need all the men they have, all the strength they can get, and all the help given to them. So, the military forces call on school boys to fight. They can't deny the order, they have to accept and fight for their country.
Niall Horan was a young school boy called to fight for the Irish side of the war. He's an artistic boy that just enjoys life with his guitar. That was taken from him just by receiving one letter.
Zayn Malik ,another school boy, called to fight for the British side, had all the girls falling at his feet. But, he only had eyes for one. He even promised to marry her once they were out of school. But, his plans were quickly changed when a military general came to his school and said all the boys needed to fight.
Both boys went into this war, neither of them wanted to fight, nor kill other people.
What happens when they come face to face and are forced to kill each other? Will love or blood be shared?