‘No, no, no, no no no,’ John clutched his head, fingertips pressing into his skull. ‘Don’t lose control.’
‘But why not?’ John glared at himself, the voice in his head speaking softly and gently. ‘It’s only for a few moments. You can give me that much, can’t you?’ His jaw clenched tighter, teeth grinding against each other. The agony was written on his face, but those hazel eyes stared coldly back at him, always coldly.
And empty.
John is insane; that much is all he can remember. His life wasn't a good one, but with his other half, he struggles to exist. He craves silence, and the peace it will bring him. When the police come after John, he's forced into a period of revelation about himself, and perhaps he will truly find the peace he desires.
This was an assignment for my creative writing class. I think it is well-written, and I hope you all like it :)
This is the 2nd update, now expanded upon version of this story. However, this is still technically a rough draft, so hopefully you guys enjoy it as I wait to get final feedback on this for class