Third Book next to "Running Away" Is second chance worth giving to the one who hurt you? Is it worth giving it a try if in the end you don't know what could happen. Is falling in love for the same person the second time exist or It's just that your love for that person didn't really leave your heart. It was just locked in the deepest part inside your heart? Is Bella ready to take another step to her life with her little Renesmee? Is she ready to meet Renesmee's father as a husband or just a friend after what he'd done? Can Bella let Edward explain himself or just judge him by what she heard on the phone? Join us, us we discover the Run Away's journey finding her own destiny with her daughter and her additional family. ✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉ BOOK 1 : Destined to be Together BOOK 2 : Running Away BOOK 3 : The Run Away's Destiny Others : Temporarily In LoveAll Rights Reserved