Hey! Thank you dear readers :) This basically contains confusing poems written by me. Lol I have named this book "The Effects Of A Nutella Jar.." Because i feel that nutella jar (now empty) deserves the name dedications. Just keep in mind that i have not written these poems out of fun or an habit or to fulfill my hobby of writing. These poems are a conclusion or a story of those emotions that i never let out. These come from the deepest darkest times and emotions i have ever felt. And from the serious event and issues i have went through. I guess their dept is the reason you guys will end with confused and maybe amused too because the words actually rhyme lol And lastly this book has been nominated for FICTION AWARDS 2016 So guys please help me win by nominating this book. Thanks again :) What to do and how to do is shown in the book itself. You just have to type a few words thats all ### Nominate Comment Share Vote If not these than i hope you find my poems at least worth a laugh ;) "Aisha" ### Ranked #344 Random 23rd July 2016 #261 Random 24th July 2016All Rights Reserved