WARNING: The following writings contain controversial topics, statements, and ideas. If you are someone who takes things not meant to be taken personally, personally, then I suggest you do not read past this point.
If you truly review your history, you will find that the brightest of lights have been quickly snuffed out, so as to not inspire others to burn as bright. Ignorance lays claim over morals and in the process, many people are promptly quieted by a select few. Those select few puff out their chests and carry a big stick and like sheep, the masses cower to a giant shadow cast by a tiny being, they pray to an invisible giver of hope, so as to avoid being eternally damned.
As a firm believer in past lives, memories and emotions elicited by experiences I have never had this lifetime surface, and the best way for me to express them is through run on sentences that cascade over numerous stanzas and comma splices that extend the length of a page. So thankful I am to no longer be burned at the stake for being accused of heresy, simply for using herbs; but I, and others like me, are still shunned. So unfortunate it is that after decades of such unwarranted antics, I, as a peaceful protestor can still be shot for what I believe. There is a paper-thin barrier that keeps many from stepping out onto that hallowed ground of thought on which so many have lost their lives.
I challenge you to listen to that burning in the pit of your stomach; because if you heed that feeling, you will find that it is pushing you to no longer fear the past that drips with the blood of those who spoke too loudly or were too "ahead of their time". Has no one listened to the silent screams of the invisible ghosts that haunt our past: those whom implore us to grow together and not against one another? I challenge you to stay who you are, no matter what others say. And if you are not yet ready to stand up to your own demons, I humbly suggest that you vicariously live through these writings.