WARNING:There may be cussing Jake:Jake is a innocent 9 year old little boy that is bullied at home by his older brother Dan.His parents don't believe him when he says that anamatronics come in his room at night. Vincent:Vincent is Jake's only friend.He cares about Jake and believe's all the thing's Jake tells him.He try's to help Jake.He cares about Jake. Foxy:Foxy is a 18 year old boy.He enjoy's scaring his little brother Jake.On his brother's Birthday,it'll all change. Chica:Chica is Foxy's 16 year old Girl friend.She loves children,including Jake.She doesn't know what Foxy does to Jake.She is a sweet party girl that loves to shop. Fred:Fred is another one of Dan's 18 year old friend's.Fred loves to do pranks on people.He actually helped Dan with his plan.Fred is mean. Bonnie:Bonnie is Foxy's 17 year old Ex girlfriend.She is still his friend tho.They broke up when she found out what Foxy does to Jake.She act's like a boy so much to were she makes people call her a boy.All Rights Reserved
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