Rouge Tremblay has an idiosyncratic, unorthodox way of living. He believes in good coffee and karma regarding to his previous relations with boys. His favorite place is the unclaimed hall of stairs otherwise known as the Coffee Stoop named by unknown college kids in the 1950's. On an opaque, murky and dismal Sunday Morning his cup of coffee gets launched across the street by a combat boot leading him to meet the infamous Crew Anders. Crew Anders was exquisitely captivating from the streaks of hued combinations of colors painted up his forearms to his delicate lulling voice. Never had he been to the Coffee Stoop but when he mangles up the confidence to waltz to the stoop he makes the mistake of kicking a regulars coffee cup down the stoop stairs. Now, after buying the man a new cup of coffee he might just learn a thing or two about Rouge. (I do not own the photo showed in the cover photo)All Rights Reserved