I don't have the motivation I'm needing to even write this book. But I'll write it on paper and keep it dedicated to Cara. I'll try to update when I can. That's if you even help me out. I won't be in touch. Not at this time, this month. Or ever. I'll die soon, and I'm having my friend writing this book for me and Cara. I'll give her my notes and make her write it down here on Wattpad. Um Pls try to at least like the book. Comment. All that good stuff. Well it's bye. Forever. I will truly miss being here. Alive. I love you guys. Thank you for making my life much better with heavenly books. ByeX(: DONT COPY AND PASTE! DONT PLZ! ILL FIND OUT IF U DO! THATS JUST REALLY UPSETTING. I WILL ALLOW TRANSLATION, HOWEVER YOU NEED TO ASK ME FIRST. THANK YOU!❤️