⭐️Working on cover⭐️ Paisley Rose Walker was a star basketball player for Dwyane High. She wanted to go to College and become a doctor. Her dad is one of the most powerful drug lords in New Orleans, enemies are lurking everywhere. One thing she can't forget is blood is always thicker than water, but they're both slippery as fuck. Ezekiel Robinson was the schools "thug" even though he has a GPA of 3.8. He was the class clown, the heartbreaker, but what no one knew about him was that he was just a man trying to make it out. He wanted his little brother to never have to worry about his next meal and for his mom to never have to stress over the bills again. He just wanted to be the man his father never was. Paisley and Ezekiel come from completely different lifestyles. What happens when they cross paths?All Rights Reserved