"What the fuck?"
"Um, what's that thing?"
"Oh my god, get away from it!"
"Now, honey, just keep walking and don't stare..."
These are all murmurs I hear from unfamiliar figures as I walk down the street. It's gotten old. Honestly, humans can be boring. Unoriginal. Blithering. I wasn't created with any fucks to give.
Besides, they have a damn good reason to be so cautious and nervous around me. I don't think you see a perfectly human-like body striding down the sidewalk with a blasted television where their head ought to be on a daily basis. They have every right to be confused. Hell, I'm confused, myself.
Whatever, I have friends. I have a life. They aren't normal by society's standards, but they work. Just... not for other people.
Screw other people.
Mature. Strong language, etc.
This is the story of a group of weirdos :^)