(Sequel to UnderStudies)
In the year 2013, an unknown virus had spread causing not only in Japan but the whole Asia in a state of emergency which led each country in ruin. Lucy and her other friends was able to get at Safe Haven safely but didn't turned out quite well as expected.
Set 3 years after the incident, each country was striving to stand with the help of United States in exchange of being a state of the US. The name Japan was not a country anymore but only a state. As Lucy and her friends broke out of the Safe Haven, they went to state to get info on what happened. As the virus was still contaging a lot of people now and then, Lucy and her friends continued their lives with new friends as they explore the new world in front of their eyes.
What will be the part of 'Lucy Dragneel Of The Past' in their lives. Will the 3 cats from the past will join them as comrades or will be their enemies. Also the apperance of a new idol "Luna and Stacy", what will be their part in the story?