-[BOOK 1]- IMPORTANT NOTESノಠ_ಠノ So guys, this is the book that I wrote 3 or 2 years ago and I surely don't remember why I did this at the first place. I cringe everytime I read this but I guess I should just let it be here so I can remind myself that before I changed for who I am, I had to go through this phase. Please enjoy, or don't read it at all cause it's very cheesy and h0w come I even wrote this I never had an experience about loOOooooVE when I was like, 13??????????? but ok ---------------------------------------------------------- Walau sebesar apapun kamu merasa marah, jangan pernah membiarkan egomu mengalahkanmu. Karena, terkadang. Kamu harus membiarkannya menjelaskan semuanya kepadamu, sebelum kamu menyesali semuanya. WRITTEN BY : @keishamaylafaza [old version : deleted]