'The warm water poured over my fully clothed body. I stood the in the shower of my once whole home. I felt numb but like I was on fire at the same time. The fire burned from the inside swallowing my heart. I felt like screaming but I couldn't find my voice. The water soaked through my white t-shirt and jeans. I felt two arms wrap around my waist turning me to face their owner. Even with my eyes closed I knew who it was. I rested my forehead on his chest. He held me to him tightly. I felt a sob rake through my body taking even me by surprise when it echoed through my mouth. And then I was falling, into the sadness the now enveloped me. I cried viciously into his chest as he slid sown the wall so we were sitting still holding me. And I let him hold me it felt like with out him holding me I would shatter. So we sat there in soaking clothes the warm water raining down on us and grey holding me hostage.'All Rights Reserved