Emily Emily who has the courage to love the broken, Who never fails to stand up for what she believes, Who is brave enough to be kind and sweet to anyone, Who always ends up with the wrong ones, but still a believer in love, Who dares to defend herself or her friends, Who has a child-like smile which is too innocent and pretty, Who is not afraid to be who she is, Who does volunteer works in summer holidays and part-time jobs after school hours, Who is worried about everybody, Who is shy and awkward, Who decides to take part in a competition because her best friend needs money, Whose life has been crashed down many times but still she soldiers through everything, Who has been through a hell lot of nightmares, but still never loses her hope Who is a loving daughter, Who is the apple of everybody's eyes, Who trusts easily, forgives easily, and makes everything so easy, Who is said to be the 'weakest link', but we have seen how hard she fought Just watch how the weakest link turned outAll Rights Reserved
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