A high school girl, named Erza Scarlet lived her life in depression. She herself doesn't know why she is feeling depressed or sad, but that's how she goes with her life. Erza doesn't talk to anyone at school and neither do the other kids. A total loner, people call her. Although she cared what people talked about her, she couldn't do anything. Erza comes home after school and locks herself in her small, dark room. Where the curtains are barely open, and the air in the room would always seem heavy. Her mother, Mrs.Scarlet would come up every supper time and leave the food outside the door since Erza never opens it. Having dinner with family wasn't Erza's mindset. She would rather be alone than eat with her mom and dad and answer all their questions about school. Her mom tried really hard to send her to rehab for a minor treatment for people who become a victim of depression but Erza wouldn't go, she would always argue back and say that It would still be of no use even if she takes treatment, this is how her life would always be. After a few tries of convincing Erza, Mrs.Scarlet gave up on her. They werent on the talking terms but Erza needed care, so Mrs.Scarlet did everything she could to keep her happy all the time, however that didn't work out.All Rights Reserved