A story written from the view points of two people, Blake Ashton Howell and Sarah Violet Willigan. Heavily angst story with planned trigger warnings of: Death, depression, Self Harm, Suicidal, Cheated on, Loss of ability to have children, Promiscuity(being slut like) and eventual death again. Rather than tell you all what will happen, I'll let the daring few have their hearts destroyed as they find out what the title means :DD Needless to say, read at your own risk. You have been warned of the triggers, and I will make chapters to inform you all of ones that have been added. If too many people are triggered, please do feel free to tell me and if it is a significant amount I will step back and pull the story. Is this an angsty story? Incredibly. Can it be triggering? Very much so. But this is a story I felt interested in writing and write I will. But I do not wish to harm people by them reading my story.Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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