IM HAVING AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS AND WHAT EVEN IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?!?! What's it all for? Why are we here? Is it worth it? What's the point?! Why do I bother with school? It's such a waste of time. Why get a job? Yeah so you live in comfort for a few decades and then what? It just ends. And (as John Green says:) all of our labours have been returned to dust and oblivion is inevitable. So why? Read this story to (maybe?) discover the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. (Or my interpretation, at least) ...see? I'm doing something that's got meaning but also no meaning cause this labour right here will be returned to dust and I'll have stayed up all night writing this thing for nothing really... ...except the fact that I'm having an existential crisis and I need to do something with this momentary energy and ideas and opinions so here it is... Existential Crisis. Volume 1 of who-knows-how-many-because-this-could-never-end How the hell does time travel work?!All Rights Reserved