Everyone, during some point in their life, experiences emotions, situations and adversities that changes them, sometimes for the better, and sometimes, for the worse.
And then there are times when we seem to leave our body mentally, to introspect about the world, its workings, and the people living in it.
Everyone has that time in their lives where they wonder about how minds work, how relationships thrive, and what makes them, them.
Sometimes, it's at night when you're going to bed, and life seems just a little different when there isn't any light illuminating it. Maybe it's in the shower, where tears mix with the water, and go unnoticed. Maybe it's early in the morning, just before dawn, when the idea of starting afresh doesn't seem quite so daunting.
But remember.
You're you because of your past. And you're no less than anybody else.
Join me as I put words to my innermost feelings, as I voice my opinions. Join me as I gather the courage to write down thoughts that run through every person's mind at least once in their lives.
Join me as I break conventions, as I rant and rave my way through these emotions, challenges, difficulties, opinions, that have the power to make me, or break me.
In the end though, the choice will always be mine.
The only thing I knew as my ankles felt the wet, mourning hands of my heavy pain, beneath everything, a small part of me wanted to stay alive. There was a piece of my sore heart that yearned to remember what home felt like. I did not belong here in this darkness. If I didn't take this chance to learn who I was, who I could be, if I didn't choose to step forward, the haunting eyes chasing me I'd carry in my spine for the rest of my life. This answer, it's question lingered. Could I embrace what has hurt me most and let go of my hatred?
The woman on fire, she was so beautiful in my unyielding stare. The sheer panic in my eyes swallowed by contorting rings of liquified gold.
My answer? Yes. I was going home.