ON HOLD The Printed have mates. Someone they can't live without after they touch for the first time. From the time your mind is placed in your new body you feel like half yourself is gone. One of the only side effects of 3D printing yourself. The only way to feel whole is to find your Print Mate. And Black Vickler, the oldest of the Printed, has been waiting 117 years to find hers. The Born hates the Printed. The Born are the last of the pure humans left. They believe the Printed are creatures that don't deserve to live. Especially Code. But what happens when Code leads an attack on the Printeds Palace and gets locked in a room with Black Vickler, who just so happens to feel complete when she looks into his icy eyes? Will he kill her like he planned? Or will he accept her? And above all.... How is this possible?
9 parts