Little 9-year-old Indrasena Mistry is a Galalissian orphaned girl starving on the streets of The Kingdom of Galalissi, which is at war with The Kingdom of Oneralia. Indrasena is lucky enough to be given an offer from her king's advisor. Act as an Onerali hostage in front of a captive Onerali messenger, and be given enough money to eat for months. Simple. She agrees and soon, the news of the poor little girl and her captor spreads to all of Oneralia. At the end of the message there is a threat to the King of Oneralia. Surrender, or the little girl would be tortured and killed. The king of Oneralia, of course, can not surrender his whole country for one girl, but what happens when the prince pities her and secretly sends the Royal Onerali Guard to find and 'rescue' Indrasena from her own Kingdom? And they find her.