This is a journal of some sort of my everyday, or not everyday, life or whatever. I'll pretty much write whatever the heck whenever the heck I feel like. Enjoy or don't~!
(--or something. Why are you reading this anyway? Go play video games, listen to music, draw something. . . What you're getting here is a load of. . .loaded mashed potatoes--all mashed together--a mess; yes, a mess--this is a mess--that's what you're getting into--like that one time my friends and I in elementary school were having a mashed potato fight, throwing scoops of it at each others faces--my glasses smudged, thus blinding me from the fire ant hill in the backyard that I, oh so unknowingly, stomped around in--ensuing in all of this biting--biting, biting, biting--um anyway. . .)
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