Getting caught between a local crime boss and a galactic syndicate makes you nostalgic for the rock and the hard place.
Carl Ramsey has a heist to run and the crew to pull it off. All he’s missing is a specialized computer and the tech to run it. But when an unrelated robbery loses him both, the prospects for a successful job look grim. Unfortunately the one who hired them won’t take excuses, and the owners of the computer come looking for their stolen gear. Caught between a local crime lord and thugs from a galaxy-spanning syndicate, Carl needs to come up with a plan that doesn’t get them all killed.
His assets: his retired marine ex-wife, a drunkard mechanic, a feline security chief, and an old family friend who happens to be a wizard. His liabilities: a missing computer, a hospitalized tech, two ruthless criminal organizations looking for answers, and about two hours to sort it all out.
…no problem.
Tech, Lies, and Wizardry is the free short story prequel to Black Ocean, a science fiction fantasy series set in the 26th century. Do you wish there had been a second season of Firefly? Do you love the irreverent fun of Guardians of the Galaxy? Have you ever wondered how Star Wars would have turned out if Luke and Obi-wan had ditched the rebellion to become smugglers with Han and Chewie? Then Black Ocean is the series for you!
Pick up your copy of Tech, Lies, and Wizardry. You don’t even have to steal it!