This story begins in the year, 2014. Three potals were here. The first was Earth, and no one, really knewn that the other potals had life or anything living on past the potal. On Earth, the world was attacked by a unknown type of life, and that they left a type of life on Earth. People call them dragons, they are very kind and helpful. They bought food and water, and sometimes supplies. Their are five types of dragons, Vorel, bond dragons. Mist dragons, can never bond. Thrae dragons, they are air dragons. Don't like living on the ground very much. And some hate humans. But allow them to live. Korth dragons, they hate humans, more, and will kill on sight. Then there is Kethend dragons, they are the second oldest type of dragon. They only eat one thing gems. As in their name. They love the human kind, how they build today, very easy to burn down. And humans are alot different from the world they came from, Vivex. The world was beautiful, but it had too much living things on it, so they pick dragons, to come to Earth, and remake the history of the dragons, on Earth. Because they were all killed on Earth, in the 1700's. The Story will continue on the next book, but with the second potal.