"He's smart but he knows he could do better. Mostly because of his Dad. If Eric got a B his Dad wanted an A and when he gets A's his Dad wants A+'s. And when he got A+'s his Dad wanted him to get bonus points. He was never good enough for his Dad..." -"Freakstown" (chapter 6) Before Freakstown. Before Isaac and Kate moved to town. Eric Wells had a great life. Through the age of 7, his life was perfect. He had a family that everyone wished they could have. His family stayed close even after his parents got divorced. Shortly after the divorce, his Mom and older brother, Ben where murdered in their home by an unidentified killer. Since then, his Dad has been strict. Wanting Eric to be good at everything. This was because his Dad only had one son now and he wanted him to be the best of the best. He wants Eric to be perfect. This causing him the fear of Atelophobia, the fear of not being good enough or imperfection. People felt bad for him after the murder so he bottled up his depression and became a bad boy. This keeping people away from his problems. He's popular, an athlete, honors student (Doesn't takes Honors classes though), and has plenty of friends. Just like what his Dad wanted. But that's not good enough. His Dad would abuse him for every mistake he's ever made. He ran away numberous times but couldn't stay away from his home. He had nowhere else to go. This is his story. His life. His struggles. Everything you need to know about Eric Wells from "Freakstown" is here. The whole story not depicted in the novel "Freakstown." Everyone has a story. Eric's story is too big not to share. He has an entire back story that none of us know about. So, what happened before "Freakstown?" What was Eric Wells' life like before the novel? Well, you'll just have to read it to find out in this prequel to "Freakstown."All Rights Reserved