This is a Reader insert Story. Please remember this is no fluff! You are a Country now and you have new character Features, here they are:
You’re absolutely the opposite of a shy, introvert and polite girl. Often that brings you in a lot of trouble, but you don’t care. If people don’t get along with you, they should shut the fuck up and let you be. You don’t have a lot of friends, but the ones, who you have are in your eyes your real family. By the way, you’re a country so you don’t have parents or stuff like a real family. You just have yourself and a few friends. That’s enough in your eyes!
Your past:
So far your life wasn’t bad, you weren’t involved in big wars and your economy works pretty well all the time. Your country never was really rich, but you had enough to get along with it. Actually your military isn’t really expanded, but nearly all the other countries have respect for you. Because they know, you aren’t a big nation, but you have a fighting spirit, which is one of the strongest in the world. If someone pisses you off, you will pound his face to dust! The unawesome Prussia and the American loser already have experience in that. They weren’t feared of you, but they have respect. A lot of respect. And that’s good so!
But one day, everything changed... Sometimes it really would be better to stay calm and shut up... Had you known that before, perhaps some things would be diffrent now.