Dear reader,
Isn't it cruel, trapping yourself in what isn't real? Faking a smile, acting like they were never apart of you, that they didn't hurt you. Because sooner or later you have to face reality. Your heart starts to hurt, your body aching, tears start flowing down, and the memories come back. You're not okay. What they did killed you. Fuck, you're dying from the inside out and no one bothers to even notice. You just want to throw it all always and say "Fuck it! I'm not even worth it. No one gives a fuck about me, all they ever do is leave. Well this time it's my turn. I'm going to be the one who leaves everyone hurt and alone." Because no one understands. It's hard to reply "I'm okay," every time you're asked how you are. It breaks your heat having to lie to those you love, yet it's harder to tell them the truth. But until you face reality you just have to dream a little longer. Though no matter how many times you wait for a miracle, for everything to be fine, and for them to be in your arms again, it wont just fall form the sky. you will be trapped here, in these forgotten pages of a cruel fairly tale, until the day it dies... welcome to my world.