Have you ever just sat and thought about life? I do that at least six or more times a day. I never think about twelve year old girl things though. I think about things no one has understood yet. Like how life is practically one big never ending game that has billions of players. You lose when you die. The thing is no one knows what happens after death. After you lose. Do you just die and that's the end? Do you reincarnate on the baby that has been born the same second you died? Do you go to a magical place where your consciousness is alive while your body is dead? While no one can answer these questions my guess is that we reincarnate. I mean since every second a person dies and is born it makes since. To me there's two types of people. The ones that have a Crap Life and the ones who have a Glory Life. The names are pretty explanatory. I always thought I was a Crap Life person. I was. Then, middle school started and things changed.All Rights Reserved
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