Ever wondered how it feels to lag behind in education for reasons which you can’t avoid? Education today is the most sought after parameter for obtaining a sustainable life. We prefer not even interacting with someone who isn’t educated enough or doesn’t have a good career option to look out to. But there are a number of people around us who want to obtain higher education but are unable to do so because of various circumstantial reasons; some personal others may be financial. And there are still others who cannot reach up to a higher education because they are bound to their jobs, for some reasons or the other. We at Jaro Education strive to provide a sustainable solution to this ever-growing hindrance to education. Online education has been evolved as a boon for such people who are bound to their jobs for any reason whatsoever. In the past few years, more than 6 million students have resorted to Online Education worldwide! The global E-Learning market is expected to reach 107 billion dollars in the year 2015, with India having a self-paced E-Learning growth of 55%. This prominence of E-Learning can be primarily contributed to the fact that education imparted through the medium of the internet has been successful in doing away with a lot of inconveniences that are associated with the traditional time and space-restrictive educational system. As internet has developed to be a lifeline for people of all age groups in the present scenario, education imparted through the medium of the internet has been pleasantly accepted and gained prominence eventually. In fact, if an Online Program wasn’t available, research says, 45% of the students wouldn’t have pursued the particular degree at the first place. This is mainly because of the fact that Online Education allows students to be glued to the Internet and yet receive higher levels of education simultaneously!Alle Rechte vorbehalten