I hear footsteps coming from up ahead, in a panic, I jump into a bush only a few feet away. Hearing a small groan as I land on something hard. My hand quickly shoots up,covering the other persons mouth to muffle the sound, not allowing them to give away our hiding place. I look up only to see a pair of terrified ocean blue eyes staring at me. Niall. ---------------------- Would just like to say a massive thank you to whoever chooses to read this Story. It's my first one and I thought about doing this for a while now so here it goes. The beginning will be a bit slower but please know it will pick up. I just want you guys to kind of get to know the characters and especially their situation. Please know that these characters are purely fictional. Niall is obviously based off of Niall Horan but only physical attributes since I don't personally know any of the boys. Please know that this is my first Fanfiction and I am going through school so that does take priority before writing. However I will absolutely update as much as humanly possible. Please no hate. Although it's extremely unlikely, if anyone wants to translate this please give me full credit. All ideas, plot and characters I have worked very hard on and they are original from me. Please don't take it as your own. Hope you all enjoy the story, hugs xxxAll Rights Reserved