To put it briefly: I started a poorly written biography a few days prior but then deleted it because I found it misleading in some areas. To the 7 of you who were actually a little bit interested in it, I hope you aren't too disappointed. However, I would still like to continue some sort of biography. Specifically to interest the 3 people who have had recent contact with me since I left Vermont. Who have asked about my life in this semi-new environment. So I thought I might share my daily experiences (via Wattpad). Otherwise known as a biography. For those of you who unfortunately happen to stumble among this pitiful biography and have no idea what I'm talking about: I'll explain in the first chapter. I promise. But the decision is up to you whether or not you'd like to read on. I highly suggest you don't because it probably will be dull and uninteresting. But once again, the choice is yours. Well, considering the fact that I've successfully used the word, "biography" 4 more times than I've needed to, I think it's safe to say that I've given the right idea and can begin writing. Enjoy. :)