when all the sudden arkan and temptel gets sick renia the nerutal one returns cause of blue temptel and arkan's daughter freed her and blue is princess of limbo well her sister janie icy sunset adaigo and aria sonata stormy and dracy go to the golden school along with sweet suflace raf urie kabira kalbae gas and miki and their cousin kim possible along with her boyfriend ron and his nake mole rat rufus twilight along with rarity spike flutter shy rainbow dash sweetie belle applebloom scootloo applejack big mac seto tea mobuka yugi yami tristan duke mai rebecca high pirestt seto isis andishizu and maximillon cecclica celest jareia and ryou and bakura and jack and yusie luna akiz a leo carly and crow misty truge and maya bloom flora tecna layla musa stella roxy sky brandon riven helia nabu tritannus narus willamwill reni win or lose will arkan and temptel get better or worse find out on angel friendsAll Rights Reserved