I think myself as a poet that doesn’t really know what she’s writing. Yes this may sound odd but I don’t think writing poetry is my forte, although writing all these poems were quite interesting because I never knew that I was capable of writing some sort of poem.Basically music and other peoples stories had inspired me throughout making this anthology. I wasn’t very confident at just starting something when I wasn’t inspired (And I guess that happens to anyone) but I really needed that inspiration to write. My strengths in writing would be using a lot of free verse because it’s literally the easiest form of poetry I can write, also rhyming was some sort of simple approach to poetry. My imagination was going crazy because when I had those little inspirational moments I was thinking of a million, but then it was the opposite when I had nothing to write about. I used some rhyming in “It’s easier for you to stay than go” as I thought it wouldn’t be so bad to have some rhymes in here. The rhymes may not be very well written but hey I’m still learning. In my “I am” poem there was A LOT of repetition of the letter ‘I’. I think I did a good job (with the help of friends) at the metaphors and similes but there are some in the anthology that sound great to me.I don’t really know what I want the reader to read, as a person myself I don’t really have an idea of what I want people to read, so I made an anthology with some poems that may have nothing to do with each other. The reader may have a bit of everything, who knows. The poem I find most inspiring is “Loss”, this is because I think that because the story behind it is so sad and tragic, I could somehow write loads and loads about tragedy, so that poem I enjoyed writing because I was really inspired to write it. I don’t have a favourite poet, but the closest people to poets I find inspiring is the band Pierce The Veil. Their lyrics hold stories of tragedy and truthfulness and that iSeluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang