I walk outside and another shiver goes down my spine. The wind wasn’t even that bad. I call in my dog Bella and she romps in and onto the couch. It’s cool living on your own, but it’s also not. Hmm how long have I lived alone.. fifteen, twenty years? That wasn’t long for a vampire like me. I knew it was coming, soon it would end. Everything was end. The Hunters were coming, and they would be too strong for the government to beat. Would I join them, or stand up for the life I love. The door rings and I walk over calmly, checking the mirror for no blood on my face. I answer the door, and I see my friend Danielle. I smile and open it wide.
“They are here, what do we do?” She asks, her voice desperate.
“How big is the army?” I ask, and she shrugs.
“I don’t know but there was a bunch. I was with John.. THEY KILLED JOHN!” She screeches. They killed a vampire? Not even asking for him to join our side.
“How’d you get out?” I ask. She looks away.
“They were ripping every human in there, I made a bee line for the door. Jess, this is bad, and I mean bad.” She whispers. I was two hundred years old, and I wouldn't let them take this away. I had turned Danielle, we were friends, and she didn’t know about me. We were drunk and driving and crashed, she was dying so I turned her.
“Call the others, we need to leave. The Hunters will kill us all. We are all going to die.” I whisper.