The story revolves around the lives of two half sisters, Swara and Ragini. They abbreviate themselves as Swaragini. Swara hails from a Bengali family while Ragini belongs to a Marwari family. Soon, Laksh Maheshwari enters into the lives of the two sisters. Though Laksh is engaged to Ragini, he falls for Swara. Consequently, the alluring relationship between Swara and Ragini is ruined. Ragini turns evil in order to separate Swara from Laksh. Sanskaar Maheshwari, the brother of Laksh, also joins Ragini for his revenge. Sanskaar, who has been away from his family for 5 years, believes that Durga Prasad Maheshwari and his son, Laksh were the reason behind Kavita's death (Sanskaar's girlfriend). However, Sanskaar realizes his mistake and apologizes
Starting: ragini truth revealed
two loving of whom is turned to enemy of her own sister in love...
does love means snatching or can love happen more than first love is true love or love has some other definition.. :)
On our favorite bridge of swaRagini...
They both are standing...
"Ragini, I love you truly. I can't be far from you. accept me plz.."
Laksh says holding her soft hands.
But Ragini is looking at him expressionless. she is not smiling or crying.
Her eyes don't have tears or courage.
But stubbornness.
"Ragini.. speak something.." Laksh raises his hand and touches her shoulder.
Now, Ragini closes her eyes.
"Ragini.." Laksh jerks her gently again.
Now, Ragini opens her eyes which are red which may be symbolic to hurt, hatred or anything.
Laksh amazes.
Ragini places her hand on his chest and uses all her force and pushes Laksh.
"aaaa...Ragini.." shouts Laksh.
Laksh falls in river, Ragini turns back and start walking away.
Screen freezes on the expressionless Ragini's face.
Check out the story to find more...