Hey, guys and gals, sorry I haven't been on for a while, my parents took away my phone a while, and in that time, I've been writing a Pokémon Fanfic, so I thought I'd post it here. Don't judge me, I took some names from other franchises because I'm not very good at naming things. Here's the setting: Castellan the shiny Lucario (who has a special attribute that is seemingly from a Jolteon in his family, so any electricity bases anything doesn't hurt him very much)ran away from home, at 6 years old, and found himself in the Yucca Desert, so he built a house there, with the help of some of his friends, all of which are now elsewhere. 6 years later, a month after his twelfth birthday, is when the prologue takes place, and if there are any major time-skips, I'll add them in the chapter title, Ex:'Chapter One: Castellan's POV; 3 years later.'
P.S., The humans that're in the book can understand the Pokémon, because the Pokémon talk in English.