Erika Carpenter lives the simple life of a farm girl in the heart of Kent. Though the castes have been abolished, her family still sees its effects. Farming is a dangerous game, one that they may lose. With 5 children, money is tight. And after a terrible harvest, their crops, and money, is nearly nonexistent.
Enter Prince Derek. The heir to the throne of Illéa, who has just become of age, which means it's time for another selection. Forms are sent to the house of every eligible girl in Illéa, including Erika. Erika enters the selection, hoping to save her family's farm, and possibly find love. To her surprise, she is selected and whisked into a world of gowns, parties, and a fairytale life. But with unseen hardships ahead, will she remain a farm girl, or become a real Princess of Illéa?
(All rights to Kiera Cass, author of the selection series)