Lukas is Sam Evans little sister and Rodricks cousin. When Sam left for high school she was stuck in the adoption center. Lukas is inpecably smart for a 13 year. She has studied since she was 5 because at age 5 Sam promised no matter what when Lukas was in high school they would reunite. One problem. Lukas was never shown much love so when she takes a intrest in a boy named Ryder she has no clue what to do. Will Ryder be able to save Lukas from her 8 year downwards spiral or will Lukas end it all? Will Sam accept his 13 year old sister in her current metal state or will the promise that is the only thing to keep Lukas from ending it for 8 years be broken? Along the way Lukas makes a special bond with Sue and Kurt. She learns the meaning of several things she was deprived of. The most important thing is can Lukas singing and dancing talent be enough for the Glee club? Join Lukas Rose Evans "The Stripper's Little Sister" through her downward spiral.Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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