Title: The Lost Kitten
Anime: Bleach
Paring: Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez X Ichigo Kurosaki
Word Counting: Currently 18,060 words Updated 5/15/15
Summary: Grimmjow was a lost little kitten, unsure where to go or who to turn to after his last 'owner', Aizen Sosuke, kicked him out of Hueco Mundo. Unable to go to the Soul Society, the outcast heads to the Human World, hopeful not to run into Soul Reapers on watch for hollows. However, the reason Aizen had kicked Grimmjow out was because he was a feline, literally. About 10 inches long not including his puffy tail, being 8 inches tall. Small, lean, fluffy, tiny. A REAL feline, on all fours, get it yet? Aizen said he did not need a tiny kitty-cat to protect and fight for him, and let him go instead of killing the cat. He can change back to his normal Arrancar form, but only when he's overly stressed or excited. So, in is feline form, Grimmjow travels to the human world only to be rained on, almost hit by a car, ganged up and beaten by street cats, and yelled at by human beings. Bleeding, laying in a alley entrance-way, Grimmjow suffers wounds and a growing fever, plus the rain has yet to stop since he arrived. The Human World sucked. And this is where he was going to die, or so the feline thought. Until Ichigo Kurosaki, a Substitute Soul Reaper, comes by from running to the store for his dad.
Warnings: Blood, slight violence, swearing, yaoi (homosexual love) VERY DETAILED!!!! Well, as detailed as Wattpad will allow me to be.
Format: Format is telling you if its first person, third person, pretty much what point of view the story his told in. The first section below the stars is Grimmjow, the rest is third person.
Weekend with Grimmy! You're fresh off work and you've been seeing a certain blue haired fellow and he had been seeing you. You've exchanged some words but no dates or anything. He's not a date kinda person. He's a little harsh and rude, but you dig it. Let's see what he says to spending a weekend with him....
Heavy on the lemon! Super sour, and some light BDSM.