Kali Riley is a survivor. A survivor of a series of brutal murders that shocked a nation. When her boyfriend, and her best friend's boyfriend, lost their minds and set out on a murder spree, killing six people, Kali had no choice, but to fight back and become a killer herself.
Three years later she has finally moved on. But she is yet to learn the reality that history does in fact repeat itself. With new friends and a new boyfriend now at her back and the help of other survivors she is forced back into her nightmares. A place she thought she had left behind in her hometown.
But you can't outrun your demons. They follow you in the shadows and only come to light in the darkest of hours, often in the form of those you love and trust above all else.
I wrote this in celebration of Halloween :)
Some explicit language and homicide.
I do not own Scream, only my OC and any plot lines that weren't depicted in the movie.
I am Australian so be warned of any different spellings such as "mum" instead of "mom."